
About Us

Pierre-Luc Perreault, Founder

My name is Pierre-Luc Perreault and I am the founder of Energie PLP. I created my business a while ago, at 17 years old, in Beauce, when I stopped playing hockey because of health issues. I decided to start working out, and I quickly got very serious about it. I went to the gym 6 to 7 times a week and I couldn’t get enough. In the following years, I moved throughout the province before settling down: Québec, Saguenay and finally Sherbrooke. Through all these changing times, the only thing that remained was my hard work at the gym and the desire to understand how to become and stay healthy while maximizing performance. 


From the beginning, at the age of 17, I was fascinated with supplements because they were supposedly full of health benefits. However, I quickly realized that the time of day, the quality, and the way to take these supplements can impact their efficacy. For that reason, I started to read about them and learned which one to choose, when to take them, which company to buy them from and what their effects on the body are. I also met a lot of people from training and health communities, who encouraged and helped me carry on my training and personal research on supplements.

In 2007, I was finally ready to launch my food supplements business. From then on, I put even more efforts into continuous training and my knowledge has greatly improved since. Even today, that is precisely what motivates me: the learning is endless. In 2009, Energie PLPpartnered with sports teams, which is why we are now a proud member of Excellence Sportive Sherbrooke. We are also partners with Phoenix de Sherbrooke and Titan de Limoilou, and we support several athletes, amateur and professional. In 2012, Energie PLP became a multidisciplinary centre with the addition of 7 therapists to the shop. In 2016, the online shop was created to meet the needs of many therapists in the Montréal area. Since then, we have been solidifying our customer service and diversifying our product offer. 


Today, to satisfy our growing clientele’s needs, a new website is essential. We would like to thank you all for your trust, because you are the reason why Energie PLP has successfully grown over the years.

Energie PLP - Supplements & Natural Products


The goal of our new 2.0 website is to simplify the customer’s experience, while giving you the best service possible and keeping our short delivery delays (usually 24 hours). We are focused on helping our clients to the best of our knowledge and will do our best to make this website a place where you will find relevant information on the products you are looking up. Thus, you will have access to the best products related to your specific needs.


On the website, you may have noticed that some companies are required to sell exclusively to clients referred by a qualified therapist. This ensures the products are sold for specific purposes and that the dosage matches the client’s needs. At Energie PLP we make this a priority, because some products can be ineffective or have negative impacts if not used properly or at a wrong timing. We are happy to have you as our client and hope you will find everything you need.

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