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The Bach Willow flower comes from the willow, a tree that is both seductive and disturbing. Capable of rising to almost 20 meters, it is surrounded by branches which fall down to its base. He is often admired for this elegant look. However, this strange silhouette also earned it the unprepossessing nickname of weeping willow.
Willow is one of the crops that easily gets out of control.
To produce its abundant foliage, it extends its roots without the slightest consideration for the obstacles that may arise in its path. Road or pipes: nothing can resist it. He will do anything to feed himself. But if it seems bent under the weight of its torments, the willow is nonetheless remarkably vigorous. His strength is such that nothing can defeat him. Whether lightning strikes it or it is pruned excessively, this tree has treasures of strength and vitality. No matter the trials he endures, he always manages to push back.
Adults: 2 drops in a glass of water or on the tongue 4 times a day.
Ingredients: Grape alcohol 27% v/v, aqueous solution of young shoots, leaves and flowers of salix vitellina . (1/500 dilution).
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Vous pouvez joindre notre équipe d’experts par téléphone du lundi au vendredi de 10h à 17h. Nous serons en mesure de vous aider à choisir le bon produit pour vous.