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Bring some sunshine into your life by opting for Bach Olive flower! Composed of Olea europaea extract, this elixir smells of light. It must be said that its leaves are capable of moving independently to capture maximum light.
A true standard bearer of the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, the olive tree is the tree that perfectly symbolizes summer, heat and tranquility. This worthy representative of the Oleaceae family draws its strength and robustness from the rocky and arid soils of Provence, Spain, Italy, Greece and even North Africa. Its ability to give birth to young branches from a cut plant testifies to the vigor of this plant, which can live for several millennia.
From a botanical point of view, the tree is characterized by its tortuous, knotty and sinuous trunk which gives it, according to specimens, the appearance of an exceptional contortionist. It has evergreen foliage which is adorned with colors oscillating from green to gray-blue depending on the reflections of the sun. It is in May that the olive tree is adorned with small white flowers made up of four petals which will subsequently give rise to the olives from which olive oil is extracted.
Adults: 2 drops in a glass of water or on the tongue 4 times a day.
Non-medicinal ingredients: Grape alcohol 27% v/v, aqueous solution of olea europae flowers (dilution 1/500).
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Vous pouvez joindre notre équipe d’experts par téléphone du lundi au vendredi de 10h à 17h. Nous serons en mesure de vous aider à choisir le bon produit pour vous.