Phyto W.G.S.

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This synergistic complex is intended to repair bone fractures and osteoporosis resulting from hormonal changes and aging.
It has often been used in young and elderly people to promote healthy bone formation. Phyto W.G.S. has an affinity for the hip in managing back degeneration and fractures, pain and age.
Phyto W.G.S. tones, remineralizes and consolidates ossification processes. This remedy is “phospho-calcic” and keeps the tendons and ligaments supple and tense.
The giant sequoia, the second conifer in the complex, strengthens the bone matrix and is also a remedy for osteoporosis, known for its spontaneous fractures.
White birch repairs fractures and stimulates the hormonal and immune systems. It is frequently prescribed during convalescence. In ethnomedical tradition, white birch was boiled into gelatinous masses and applied to treat micro-fractures or dislocated bones.
In addition to purifying the blood, the kidneys play a key role in bone health, specifically in bone remodeling and repair through the regulation of calcium and phosphate homeostasis.
White birch tea is traditionally used for kidney ailments, rheumatism and blood purification. Other studies report the traditional use of white birch in Germany as tea, particularly for its non-irritating diuretic properties which eliminate waste without inflaming the kidneys. It was also used for its ability to stimulate osteoblastic activity.
Adults: Take 10 drops daily or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
Nonmedicinal ingredients: Water, Certified organic alcohol, Carbon dioxide

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