Phyto M.L.B.

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Peak bone mass begins to decrease from the age of 30. The process is more pronounced during menopause/andropause and leads to osteoporosis.
Phyto MLB helps resist these processes by primarily supporting bone remineralization and osteoblast activity. The remedy is well indicated for healthy bone aging, especially in cases of bone inflammation, menopause and andropause.
Lingonberry promotes intestinal absorption of calcium contained in food.
In nature, blackberry protects the forest edge, similarly, blackberry in the body helps maintain the integrity of the bone structure by increasing the activity of osteoblastic cells.
Mountain pine is indicated for hard tissues such as bones and cartilage. It specifically stimulates bone matrix and chondrocytes to maintain bone structures.
Adults: Take 10 drops daily or as recommended by your healthcare professional
Nonmedicinal ingredients: Water, Certified organic alcohol, Carbon dioxide

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Vous pouvez joindre notre équipe d’experts par téléphone du lundi au vendredi de 10h à 17h. Nous serons en mesure de vous aider à choisir le bon produit pour vous.

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