Silver Linden Bud - Tilia tomentosa
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Silver linden is a large tree with heart-shaped leaves and yellowish or white flowers that attract pollinators. The tree is able to resist pollution and poor living conditions. When we think of lime, we think of femininity and love; it represents fragility and grace in the midst of trials.
Silver lime bud acts mainly on the nervous system and secondarily on digestive disorders. Insomnia, depression and generalized anxiety are soothed by the sedative and antispasmodic actions of this remedy. Fig bud is an excellent combined remedy for use in conditions of nervous digestion and gastric inflammation. English walnut, on the other hand, should be considered to support the flora of the large intestine.
On a spiritual and mental-emotional level, Silver Linden Bud helps us understand the other's point of view; it is an empathetic remedy.
Phytoembryonic plant medicine, similar to Western botanical medicine, relies on the extraction of a variety of phytochemicals, nutrients, and energetic elements to exert therapeutic effects. The plant bud, composed mainly of meristem cells, is the most concentrated and vital part of the plant, since it houses all the information relating to the development of the plant. Meristem cells are undifferentiated embryological tissues capable of specializing depending on living conditions. Thus, meristem cells are the factory, engine and blueprints of an immature plant, giving functional instructions to the embryonic tissue and driving its growth to thrive in a specific environment.
Adults: Take 10 drops daily or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
Nonmedicinal ingredients: Water, Certified organic alcohol, Carbon dioxide
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