Psyllium SAP

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Psyllium husk is a well-known dietary fiber that has been used in traditional medicine for many centuries.
The most common use of psyllium is to relieve constipation by increasing stool production, stool weight, and improving bowel movements and frequency.
Psyllium SAP provides a high-quality, non-GMO psyllium husk that may help improve gastrointestinal health and relieve constipation.
Adults: Take 1 tablespoon (approximately 8g) once daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Start by taking 1 rounded teaspoon (about 5g) daily. As your body adjusts to the increased fiber intake, gradually increase to 1 tablespoon daily.
For each gram of psyllium, mix with 40 ml of liquid (water, milk, fruit juice or similar aqueous drink). Stir it quickly and drink immediately. Maintain an adequate fluid intake.
Take a few hours before or after taking other medications or natural health products. Take during the day (not immediately before bedtime). The minimum daily dose may be increased, up to the maximum daily dose, until the desired effect is obtained.
Effects seen 12-24 hours after first dose and may take 2-3 days.
Medicinal ingredients (per tablespoon): Psyllium husk (Plantago ovata) ...... 8 g
Non-medicinal ingredients : none

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